Background checks#

TelescopeHR automatically conducts background checks once the applicant completes their application, notifying you and generating a document with the screening results.

Automated Checks#

Upon application completion, Telescope instantly processes the applicant's information through various government databases.


Smart Alerts#

If there is a match you will get notified. Telescope will send you an email and an in-app notification, alerting you to the results of a failed screening.


Comprehensive Background Checks#

Telescope incorporates OIG, SAM, Nursys, Sex Offender registry, EMR/NAR, ECPTOTE, Medical Board, and many more.


Automated Monthly OIG Screening#

We understand how tedious and monotonous it can be to manually check your employees on state and federal OIG websites. With Telescope, these checks are performed automatically, and a comprehensive report is generated for you.


Documented Results#

Telescope records the results of the checks in a format that can be easily printed or stored within the software.


Exports #

Let's say for example, you are expecting a survey and need to provide the reports to the surveyor. With Telescope it's as easy as exporting and printing the reports.


Primary Source Accuracy#

We go directly to the source to ensure you receive accurate checks directly from the state and federal websites.